Alternative Dispute Resolution has become very popular amongst lawyers and mediation service providers in the UK. There is no specific definition of ADR however it is generally understood to describe all dispute resolution methods other than court proceedings and arbitration, or just non-adjudicative dispute resolution methods such as mediation, executive tribunal.
Going to court can be:
very expensive
time consuming
and above all incredibly stressful.
At MLS Legal Services we always try to resolve any kind of dispute very early on to save you the unnecessarily stress. Your case will be handled with the best care and professionalism. We represent individuals and businesses, striving to provide competent legal services.

MLS Legal has experience and will recommend you to specialists who handle all sorts of family cases. Whether it’s about separation, divorce, a child’s custody dispute, inheritance, civil partnership or more, we know that a person needs wise, bold and the best legal advice. Family disputes and the verdict of such law cases determine the future of an individual or a family. Services we can provide are:
Divorce & Divorce by Consent
Non-Molestation/Domestic Violence
Child Visitor Visa
Children issues
Financial issues

MLS Legal are well aware that when a difficult situation arises with your employers, you are likely to be distraught and require urgent advice. This may be against a background of  a contractual dispute or for any other matter.
We are pleased to offer free initial employment law advice in relation to your enquiry if you are based in the UK. The initial advice will cover the assessment of your case or query, usually by phone and/or email. We can provide services in the following areas:
Unfair Dismissal (including Redundancy)
Constructive Unfair Dismissal
Dismissal due to pregnancy
Wrongful dismissal – Breach of Contract
Workplace harassment & bullying
Discrimination (because of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, religion or disability)
Liability following transfer of undertakings (‘TUPE’ transfers)
Whistle-blowing claims
Health & Safety and Union-related dismissals
Unlawful deductions from Wages

Writing a will is one of the most important things you can do. It ensures your wishes regarding your money, your possessions and your property are carried out after you die. If you die without a valid will in place it can cause unintended financial problems and emotional distress for your family.
Having an up to date will is especially important if you have children under 18, if you’re cohabiting, getting marriage, divorced (or in the process of getting divorced), own joint property or have specific funeral plans. If there are any changes in your personal circumstances, you should consider reviewing your will.
If you die without a valid will in place you are said to have died ‘Intestate’ and the Intestacy Rules will come into effect. These are strict rules which mean that the courts choose who benefits from your estate and this can potentially cause family hardship and dispute.
As a will is a legal document any small error in the wording is open to interpretation which can cause problems and, at worst, render the will invalid. You should always consult a specialist will writing solicitor for legal advice.
MLS Legal has experience and can recommend you to specialists Will & Probate Solicitors who can help you protect your interests and give you the peace of mind knowing your Estate is taken care of when you pass away.

According to official figures only less than 1% of people in the UK have a Lasting Power of Attorney.
This particular service that we provide isn't only for older people in poor health as unfortunately you can have an accident or illness at any age. It is important to setup a LPA whilst you are still of sound mind.
A LPA is a legal document in which you appoint someone you trust to look after your affairs once you lose your mental capacity. Please remember that you can only get a LPA when you are still able to make decisions for yourself.
The common misconception is that partners or close family will be able to make decisions for you automatically regarding your finances and health however this couldn't be further from the truth.
If you don’t appoint a Power Of Attorney:
• The court appoints your deputy to make decisions on your behalf with regards your healthcare or finances. The court dictates the scope of power granted to your deputy.
• Your family will have to pay £365 to apply for deputyship plus extra fees after appointment. Also if you are a new deputy there is a £100 assessment fee.
• A deputy’s application could be refused, and the council could be appointed instead
• You may not be able to sell jointly held assets until a deputy has made a relevant applications to the court
There are two kinds of LPA, which are made separately—property and financial affairs LPAs, and health and welfare LPAs. At MLS Legal we will provide you with our expertise and support. We offer a tailored approach that explores and addresses your personal circumstances.